IB Revision

Genius is one procent inspiration and ninethy nine procent perspiration – Thomas Edison

Ready for the Final IB Exams?

Worried about running out of time in the exams? Curious about what problem solving skills and strategies can help you excel in your IB  exams?

Join our IB revision classes if you wanna work through these challenge. In small groups of 3-6 students while instructed by experienced IB tutors.

With IB exams around the corner, our IB revision classes aims to prepare Grade-12 students for their final IB Diploma Programme exams by exposing them to different strategies for problem-solving and time management during exams.


About the IB Revision

The IB revision will consist  of sessions of  three hours each. The highlight of the session is an IB assessment  on which we will evaluate your performance, assessing strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for  improvement and strategies maximising IB success.

Experienced tutors will be running the sessions in small groups of 3-6, thereby allowing for a more personalised approach and direct input from each of the students.

The IB Revision is divided into two classes. Each class is not related and will have different targets. The student enrolling must attend all the sessions for each class to maximise results of the revision. 

Class 1 –  February  IB revision Class (February 10 and 17)
Last day to register is on the 2nd of February 

Class 2 – March IB Revision Class (March 9,16, 23)
Last day to register is on the 2nd of March

Subjects: Offered in Higher or Lower Level

  • Biology
  • Business Management
  • Chemistry
  • Mathematics AI/AA
  • Economics
  • English Literature / Language & Literature
  • Philosophy
  • Psychology
  • Physic
  • Swedish B/ ab initio

Experienced IB tutors

Our tutors in charge of designing and delivering the intense revision programme have all completed the IB Diploma Programme.

Each tutor has either scored a 6 or a 7 in the subject they are in charge of tutoring or has taught at an IB school

Class 1 -  February  IB Revision Class

February  IB Revision Class (2 Sessions)

The February IB revision class will consist of two sessions of three hours each. The highlight of the session is an IB assessment on which we will evaluate your performance, assessing strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement and strategies maximising IB success. Experienced tutors will be running the sessions in small groups of 3-6, thereby allowing for a more personalised approach and direct input from each of the students.
Enroll now

Session 1 - February 10 9:00-12:00

Subjects: Business Managemen, Chemistry, Mathematics AI/AA, Philosophy, Psychology

Session 1 - February 10 13:00-16:00

Subjects: English, Swedish B / ab initio, Economics, Biology, Physics

Session 2 - February 17 9:00-12:00

Subjects: Business Managemen, Chemistry, Mathematics AI/AA, Philosophy, Psychology

Session 2 - February 17 13:00-16:00

Subjects: English, Swedish B / ab initio, Economics, Biology, Physics

Class 2 - March IB Revision Class

March  IB Revision Class (3 Sessions)

The March IB revision class will consist of three sessions of three hours each. The highlight of the session is an IB assessment on which we will evaluate your performance, assessing strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement and strategies maximising IB success. Experienced tutors will be running the sessions in small groups of 3-6, thereby allowing for a more personalised approach and direct input from each of the students.
Enroll now

Session 1 - March 9 9:00-12:00

Subjects: Business Managemen, Chemistry, Mathematics AI/AA, Philosophy, Psychology

Session 1 - March 9 13:00-16:00

Subjects: English, Swedish B / ab initio, Economics, Biology, Physics

Session 2 - March 16 9:00-12:00

Subjects: Business Managemen, Chemistry, Mathematics AI/AA, Philosophy, Psychology

Session 2 - March 16 13:00-16:00

Subjects: English, Swedish B / ab initio, Economics, Biology, Physics

Session 3 - March 23 9:00-12:00

Subjects: Business Managemen, Chemistry, Mathematics AI/AA, Philosophy, Psychology

Session 3 - March 23 13:00-16:00

Subjects: English, Swedish B / ab initio, Economics, Biology, Physics